Saturday, December 18, 2010

How it is...

The gray headed mind didnt let the heart be young,
So many beautiful songs that could never be sung,

How it is to dance in the first summer rain,
or fall ill to hear mom's soft grumblings again and again,

How it is to trust someone blindly,
or be deceived by the same person slyly,

How it is to cry when one is ecstatic,
or shed a few tears on something really tragic,

How it is to love someone wihout any conditions,
or silently tolerate all its afflictions,

How it is to revolt when something is not right,
or totally be ignorant like a child,

A zillion more feelings, I wanted to know,
the desire might never end though,

The gray headed mind didnt let the heart be young,
So many beautiful songs that could never be sung,