Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Perseverance...

While I paint the canvas of sky with my fingers,
shifting and bending the silver clouds here and there,
O dark clouds on conquest, at the realm u stay,
let me complete my portrait, a little time is for what I pray,

Even if my plea comes back to me without consideration,
no more will I mourn over my incomplete washed away creation,
A pinch of your hue I will preserve, to highlight my portrait,
and start afresh on the clean canvas, after the devastating spate,

Then I will recline on my terrace to admire what I have made,
as the dark clouds grumble at a distance and away they will fade,
and into the spring breeze I will dissolve my whispers,
to propogate my message that I just had the Last Laugh...

Monday, August 9, 2010

"I am..."

I am that fallen drop of blood
on the battle ground that nobody saw.
Glistening in the cold moonlit night,
silently engulfed by the earth so raw.

I am a faint shadow in the woods,
in a stormy evening that everybody saw.
Dismissed by them as an aberation,
leaving me for the wilderness to gnaw.

I am that juvenile wave in the ocean,
emanating from the silver horizon.
Aging every second en route to the shore,
to disintegrate on a rock when its my turn,

I am a shooting star across the crimson sky,
at the dawn that can make wishes come true.
I am now a meager speck of sand on a leaf,
smudged and lost in the morning dew.

I am that velvety grass beneath your feet,
in a summer afternoon that comforts you.
Indented in shapes as you walk through,
but, I am still a weed in the wolrd's view.