Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"ANGER" , the beast

There is a criminal on the lose,
who was to be hanged by the noose,
In the graveyard of the deceased,
Witnessed by those who were
afflicted by the beast,

The judgement was passed in
the court of prudence,
The prosecutor named agony fought
with all her valiance,
There was a symphony of applauds and an
implicit assurance within,
that no more will the adversity persist that
they were in,

But so undaunted was the monster who
was difficult to detain,
He broke free the prison of forbearance
and flee through the window of revenge,

It’s a dark night obstructed by the lightning
now and then,
Amidst the thick mist I see a huge shadow again,
Blood shot eyes and lethal claws he bears,
The beast is out to slaughter all its assailants,

Beware!! those who conspired to execute him,
For he has returned to retribute for the
disgrace and confinement, he was in,
He laughs at the face of prudence and agony now,
says "Did you forget, I am indestructible?"
a truth that is grim....